Google Webmaster Tools - Sitemaps

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See below for screenshot and explanation of Sitemaps.

Categories within Google's suite of Webmaster Tools

Here are the Google webmaster tools categories as they look when you are logged in (left).
Below is the same structure with clickable links which go to a Hard Web webpage with a screenshot of what is on that webmaster tools category page (in my own webmaster tools account).

Webmaster tools - Site Configuration - Sitemaps

I believe you should submit a sitemap as one of the first things you do when you add a website to Webmaster tools.
The Sitemaps tool (a category within Webmaster Tools) tells you whether you have a Sitemap submitted or not and explains why you should have one.

The Sitemaps tool also tells you how many of the pages in your submitted sitemap are currently in the Google index which is very useful for new websites!

You can auto generate an XML sitemap for free here (new window).

Help for the Site Configuration master category within Webmaster Tools (new window).
Sitemaps help here, lots of answers...and questions (new window)

Here is a screenshot (below) of what the category looks like in a Webmaster tools account (my own in this case).

From within a webmaster tools account this graphic is a  screenshot of the Sitemaps category

Screenshots on this page are copyright © 2024 Google Inc.
If this page is not helping then you must go to the fount...Google Webmaster Tools Help (new window).
Also click to signup to get your own Webmaster tools account (new window).


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